RaspyFi 1.0

edited September 2013 in Digital
I've been looking at this project from afar for a while.

I'd missed that it had finally got to Version 1.0 earlier this month. I know someone with a RP, so I'll see if I can try it.


  • I had apple pie (2.0 servings) last night, a friend is bringing crumble tonight.
  • This looks more interesting on the CuBox. But the CuBox is much more expensive, and the Linux stuff doesn't look as audiophile-friendly (as opposed to geek-friendly).

    There is Tsunamp coming down the pipe, an evolution of RaspyPi for other platforms, which may suddenly make using the CuBox more inviting. Can you imagine having an audiophile server running on that tiny box? How about that for WAF :-)

    In the meantime, I want to find the time to try out RaspyFi. Loan of Raspberry Pi dependant of course.
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