Claymore problem.

Hello everyone, I have a iss6 Claymore. When it hits a loud transient
i get a loud crackle followed by a high pitch squeal. Turn the volume 
down, and it goes ok again. But might go at any time again. This only 
happens in the phono stage. Could it be a failing capacitor in the phono
stage. It is standard, only work done was to replace selector switch a
couple of years ago. 


  • You may have to wait until Colin comes by, but there are a couple of other regulars who may be able to give you some advice.
  • These wee beasties are 30+ years old now so a little TLC/service would be most beneficial.
    Hopefully Colin will be along soon but my first thought would be the main power supply tank-capacitors.
    On Phono, running loud, the amp is working harder so it would make sense for a running out of steam to be apparent here first.
    A general replacement of the all the electrolytic caps would be a sensible way to go, coupled to a general health check.

    I'm not sure if Colin still does this or if you need to find a competent service engineer elsewhere.

    It's worth mentioning the speakers you're using and how loud you're going.
  • Not running it loud at all. Royd Minstrel speakers. Was thinking a complete re cap is in order to be honest. 
  • Hi prevster.

    I do upgrades on Claymore and general fixes so no problem, contact me directly.
    Now at this moment I am having a problem with my sight but it is getting better so contact me a couple of weeks. 
    This was typed by my Pet Rabbit  :)
  • Your Pet Rabbit is a genius, Col  :)

    Hope your site gets better soon.
  • Thanks Colin, i do hope things improve with the eyes. How many Claymores is your rabbit worth? I have just sent an enquiry about the upgrade service via the EWA website. 
  • On Colin's behalf I have emailed you Best Bugs.
  • Thank you Buggsy.
  • It be me the Bug lover  <3 eyes getting better like looking thru a tunnel as the day goes on it gets smaller like Blackwall Tunnel in rush hour, well anytime really.
  • Or if oop north where I am it would be the Mersey tunnel. 
  • Hi Guy it be me the ugly one.
    Eye's are getting better but the semiconductor shortage is getting bloody dreadful.

    Upgrade for new FET,s for Claymore are now set back to May 2023 crazy, I can do the one's I have here now, also Blue Alps pots have gone in price through the roof from about £15.00 each in 100s to over £30.00 each for in 500s. and delivery time of 18weeks.
    Is it Brexit or just pure greed?

    Yes I am aware RS is not a bad price but the one's I fit have a 0.1% tolerance over the whole range and not 2%.

    Also the power transistors I use for the M range amps are harder to get and to buy matched set is again crazy price.

    HELP me Tesla >:)
  • edited December 2022
    I don't think Elon Musk will help anyone, but himself  :)
  • From all that I have read about the Real Mr Tesla, whatever you wanted/needed would be free or at cost. This man (Elon Musk) takes his name in vain.
  • The end is nigh. I wanna go back to the 70s
  • From all that I have read about the Real Mr Tesla, whatever you wanted/needed would be free or at cost. This man (Elon Musk) takes his name in vain.
    Yes he does Evil little minded man.
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