I'm up and running!
After much too long, the main uglymusic system is up and running in our new home.
The sound is not as it should be, but everything's cold, and I haven't worked out where the speakers should be. I'm just hoping the new room isn't worse acoustically than the old room.
The other thing is whether the Green Goddess' 12 wpc will be OK in a 27' (or is it 24'?) room. First impressions are encouraging.
Photos are always good?...
I don't think the amp is going to struggle somehow, my baby blob won't shake my foundadtions but it is adequate even in my large room. The speakers ought to blossom though, having some real breathing space. I found that in spite of being generally un-fussy WRT positioning they like being away from side walls and away from the back wall (they don't need bass reinforcement at all IMHO).
Have fun!
I remember moving into my first place when I was 17 it was TV on the fridge freezer in the living room, electronics on the floor, speakers either aide and sit, eat, sleep in an armchair, did it sound great, uh no but I still had everything I wanted
Did u get ur own room for the hifi?
Always easier when there's no compromising going on, just cover the walls with marshmallows held on with raspberry jam.
You don't hang about
Dave, those neighbors are in for a nasty shock mate - has ugly music ever been heard in Lil'hampton? Mind you, if they fit with the local demographic they won't hear you, but you may have to listen to Cash in the Attic though the walls...
Did you hump your old Gyro across with you when you moved? I think Col's ears pricked up when I mentioned you had one in your hallway... I mean vestibule!
Perhaps your speakers need some reinforcement from the wall? Trouble is moving them back might introduce other issues from the corner.
Do you know if they're still available, perchance?
I agree on the positioning.
So how did the weekends shuffling workout Dave, any improvements?
The Royds look great, how far apart are they from each other, where do u plonk ur bot?
Hope u find a more pleasing position but not gunna be easy I guess and the tiniest toe or base placement will be reactive no doubt.
Don't rule out moving them a little closer together with little to no toe in Dave, u may find u get a more cohesive centre focus and the Royds will image well and outside of their boundaries.
Good luck