I left my TOCA SECA on overnight by mistake.
Due to the 500 watts of consumption I always try to avoid leaving it on.
This is a shame as the sound definitely improves over time. I've certainly noticed improvements through the first 40 minutes of switch on (frequency extremes appear to extend and (perhaps partly because of this) things get clearer). Colin told me he reckoned bass is improving up to 3 hours after warm up (so that's 1.5 kW hours to pay then before the amp runs at its best ;-) ...) .
Anyway, it was nice to have the listening session hit the ground running today. Everything sounded perfectly on-song from the off. :-)
Due to the 500 watts of consumption I always try to avoid leaving it on.
This is a shame as the sound definitely improves over time. I've certainly noticed improvements through the first 40 minutes of switch on (frequency extremes appear to extend and (perhaps partly because of this) things get clearer). Colin told me he reckoned bass is improving up to 3 hours after warm up (so that's 1.5 kW hours to pay then before the amp runs at its best ;-) ...) .
Anyway, it was nice to have the listening session hit the ground running today. Everything sounded perfectly on-song from the off. :-)
I'm humble!