A different class A
Been trying out my "spare" Class A this week for the first time in a few months: The Inca Designs ID25. It's not single ended, but am really enjoying it. Imaging, midrange and overall smoothness is addictive. Bass and trebble are not as extended as the SECA; bass is not as impactful and trebble not as sweet. But, overall to my ears, it keeps in common more with the SECA than it loses.
Ultimately, it's reminding me how I don't think I could go back to A/B as i know it...
Would be interested in hearing some non-Wonfor class A designs to see how they compare.
Ultimately, it's reminding me how I don't think I could go back to A/B as i know it...
Would be interested in hearing some non-Wonfor class A designs to see how they compare.
I will keep vigilant for the Nelson Pass...!
I had it confirmed today that the ID25 is indeed single ended, which I suppose explains my initial (pleasant) surprise that it sounded somewhat similar to the TOCA. Apparently (according to the man himself) the main difference between the two is that there are more washing maching parts in the TOCA...
The TOCA is back in now. :-)
I don't know what to do with the ID25. It's too good to sell, but I have no where to use it. :-/