National Audio Show - Whittlebury
Any of you gals or guys visiting the NAS at hittlebury this coming weekend? If so, why not pop in and say "Hi". I'll be in Syndicate 6 (Albarry Music); pop in for a listen (The Rhapsodys will be there).
Have a great show.
I'm confident you will get much positive exposure there Paul! :-)
Have an enjoyable and rewarding weekend. (Photos please.)
(Prestigious hook-up with Albarry too....!)
The show overall I thought was enjoyable. I was fearing elevator Jazz in every room but to my surprise there was a wide range of enjoyable music, with only a handful of dubious recordings.
This was the first show where I've heard a full Audio Note system and I sat in that room for ages! It was a base system but it's got me pondering a future move to one or two Audio Note components.
Sound of the show for me was a close run thing between a mega DCS/Wilson Audio and an Acapella horn system. DCS's digital stack sounded breathtaking - never heard such a natural, unforced and musical only gripe was the £100k+ price tag! The DCS rep was happy to chat at length about their new DAC and played whatever the audience had brought along.