Sneak Preview
Latest set of RFC Raptor loudspeaker cabinets. Some finishing left to UV stabilise the oil finish by a sneaky procedure involving the only UV blocking water based lacquer I can find on the market. This will also make them more durable and deepen the gloss finish.
Should be ready for final assembly by early next week.
Am on half term next week... Any chance i could pop round for some gawping...?
^ If the speakers made this, they must be good.
I'm popping along to Paul's place tomorrow to hear these at the RFC open day.
Looking forward to it.
The first thing that struck me was how impressed I felt by the midrange. Snare drums rung beautifully in their decay and voices were full bodied and clear.
Imaging also first rate. Sounds were placed discretely and realistically in between the speakers. Even off-axis. Fellow visitor Simon, who spent time listening off to one side remaked that even from out on the right the image was surprisingly stereo.
Paul has always spoken about how pleased he is by the levels and control in the bass of his Raptors. Having now listened to them I can appreciate this. The Raptors are relatively large for stand mounts (30L I think Paul said), but the bass weight is that of an even larger unit. Controlled too. Paul seems to be able to implement a port in such a way that avoids lumps and farts. Bass sounds are fully textured and tight, and not at all bloated.
The high frequencies were fairly sweet too. The tweeter appeared to be doing everything it should be without drawing attention to itself. Paul later explained that he had implemented the speakers to avoid the fatigue that can come with high-frequency empahasis.
There were a few times when I was aware of the system behind the Raptors (CD or vinyl into a big valve amp) doing things differently to how my system (FLAC files in to single ended class A sold state) might do, but not often, so I was able to focus on the speakers.
The Raptors presentation is just as a Iike it, natural and smooth, musical and detailed. A big image, with realistic presentation of sounds within that image.
Paul makes exceedingly good speakers.
Although I would make the effort if we had another Chews day at RFC. I would bring my OB's down for comparison
But yes, I'd like to come. Can do any weekend in September except that of 19th.
And, you'd be welcome to stay over here if you'd like.
Love it.
(And please may I be the first to acknowledge the trademark RFC upgrade tweeter halo on this superb refurb job...?)