A new appearance for Chews - what do you think?
I very much like this theme for Chews, so I thought I'd leave it up for you to have a play.
From my POV, it keeps Chews looking fresh and seems to offer a better user experience.
Good work Sgnr Rosam. ^:)^
I hadn't been aware of the change till I visited on the laptop just now, because on my phone it looks the same as it ever did.
Haven't used it enough to comment on functionality (is that the right word...)?
Only thing that struck me negatively, and it's a very minor point, is that the "Announcement" and "Post Comment" fills being in blue is a bit much. My eye would prefer them in green.
But overall, things looking slick, professional and cool: So, in the image of our lord and master then.
I can't access my "signature settings". When I click on the button the link doesn't go anywhere.
OK, that's a slight overreaction, but I was very mildly disappointed.
I suspect it'll have to wait for the reinstall to be fixed.
Worse still, I notice that there are recommendations for some rather unpleasant jazz choices attributed to your account in the "Listening to..." thread.
Slanderous really.
Slanderous really.
You have to listen through that little orange mic thing, but for me it's a price worth paying. It's not worth the risk of contamination imho.
No more.
We love you Dave!
I probably have more in common with yours (music) than most people's!
I think the running joke about your music has very little to do with my actual opinion of your music. It springs from behaviours that I suspect are typical of my patterns of relating to people within the groups of which I am a member. I (subconsciously) tend to look for a way of characterising someone and (subconsciously) try to make it a commonly accepted stereotype through humour and gentle teasing. E.g. I find myself trying to characterise Suzy as a raging feminist. I would like to think I avoid upsetting or insulting characterisations, but I may misjudge sometimes.
I do accept it when it's dished out to me. Well mostly...
I think my characterisations are based on some colonel of truth and / or the impression of tacit consent from the characterisee.