Thanks Colin! The Goodmans 18P in that download is the driver I use in my subwoofer. Delighted to see that in the table on page 6 the 18P is clearly shown to be suitable only for bass. Not organs, not guitars, just bass. They don't even bother indicating whether indoor or outdoor use is appropriate, or whether high or low power is recommended. It's simply about the bass! <:-P They're not wrong. @-)
Just got back from there this morning. Lovely. If you need a half-way-house mug of coffee on your way there and/or back Col, you know where I am! James, where are you off to?
The Goodmans 18P in that download is the driver I use in my subwoofer. Delighted to see that in the table on page 6 the 18P is clearly shown to be suitable only for bass. Not organs, not guitars, just bass. They don't even bother indicating whether indoor or outdoor use is appropriate, or whether high or low power is recommended. It's simply about the bass! <:-P
They're not wrong.
If you need a half-way-house mug of coffee on your way there and/or back Col, you know where I am!
James, where are you off to?