Completely due to having been to hear CSN last night in Brum. A completely trippy and surreal experience. At times, actually hard to believe I was there listening to them as I was getting such powerful flashbacks from my entire life! And, no, Mark, I hadnt even been on the 'shrooms. Or little purple berries come to that.
I claimed my parent's Deja Vu album as my own when I was 7 years old and they've been a mainstay of my listening habits ever since, especially when living with and travelling with a friend I met at 16. For several weeks driving around the Rockies in our 20s, So Far was the only album we had and played continuously on loop until the end of Suite: Judy Blues Eyes nearly drove us insane. The guys finished with it last night, and this same friend and I were both there dodododo-ing away like loons
But Sothern Cross is the one that has wormed its way into my head most overngiht. A worm I'm happy to have ! (Though having read your post, Colin, there's now competition, damn those Klingons!)
I'm sure this is far too heavy for most peeps here but ever since I heard "As Rome Burns" by Primordial I really can't shift that tune. Sing in the shower, hum in the car etc. etc. Despite the band being at the heavier end of heavy (this is a lighter outing from them) it also has a strong Irish folk influence with a lovely bodhran style rhythm.
Someone , somewhere, thinks Min will make t heir customers buy more. We know otherwise!
Just as well we have strict gun control in this country, I say!
Uh oh, Dave's gone and done it on the listening to thread....
Soundgarden, Superunknown, "Spoon Man".
Every time I hear this the rest of day has what's going on substituted into the lyrics buzzing round my feeble old noggin.
That's one hell of a track, though.
I remember thinking it was a drug reference when I first came across it.
For once, it's something I love. Have done since it came out in 1980. So I'm now playing the whole album.
Fine album that!
It is.
I must admit to being a bit of closet Steve Winwood fan. I've been picking my way through Traffic's output on and off for a while. As long as I keep myself distraced from the reed playing, there's some good stuff there.
Took a minute or two to work out what it was.
Despite the band being at the heavier end of heavy (this is a lighter outing from them) it also has a strong Irish folk influence with a lovely bodhran style rhythm.
no idea how to insert video links here
Soundgarden, Superunknown, "Spoon Man".
Every time I hear this the rest of day has what's going on substituted into the lyrics buzzing round my feeble old noggin.
It's that infernal shuffle beat!
I remember mastering it in my active days, bet I couldn't do it now.
Please join in.
For once, it's something I love. Have done since it came out in 1980. So I'm now playing the whole album.
Fine album that!
I must admit to being a bit of closet Steve Winwood fan. I've been picking my way through Traffic's output on and off for a while. As long as I keep myself distraced from the reed playing, there's some good stuff there.
He's also good with Blind Faith.
Then on YT digital lies rule OK, by the "Plastic Human Rock Group"