Minimserver, iOS and Synology - I've solved it!
You may remember I'd not been able to find a satisfactory way of running minimserver on my rig because I'd not found a control point (app) to run on iOS that I liked.
Yesterday, I found the solution - the Lumin app. I already knew about it, but couldn't find it on the app store, and assumed it was dead. It seems the way to find it is from the app page on the Lumin site. The app is great, more complex than some of the control points I've tried, but so much better than Linn's dodgy attempts at making apps!
Anyway, I've run minimserver again on the Synology and reindexed my files, and everything is peachy. I'd go as far as to say the Lumin app (also available for something called Android) is enough reason to run minimserver - Lumin recommends setting up minimserver on your NAS to use with its high end streamers, so the app is really made for minimserver. Sweet!