what are your "bring me back to music" tunes.

I have had several weeks away from listening, I mean listening to music. Then out of the blue it returned. I just had "once in a lifetime", Talking Heads going around in my head for some reason. That led me to little feat and then to Lowell George and enjoyment again! Does anyone else have this, if so what brings you back, or maybe you never get to that place?


  • edited March 2022
    I don't think I can help with this. I listen all day, every day. So I don't have a break.
    I wonder if I'm normal, whatever that is.
  • No reason why you should. Whilst I sometimes go back to books rather than listen to "sounds" I don't know, probably no less normal than what you do, who knows? This afternoon I have spent a lot of time listening to Springsteen. I cant imagine many here would, but for me its great. After all what's  normal, We are all different, I hope?
  • Yeah. I'm more likely to go back to books. Or paintings, even.
    Springsteen is good, if not very much to my taste.
    Who knows what's normal? Absolutely right!
  • Books for me too at the moment. Like Dave, music is on most of the day, every day. Even if it's only Radio Paradise in the background or a Spotify song-radio session. That fits better with the OP though, oooh I haven't heard song X in a while and off you go!
    Another one is all those lyrics you hold in your head, then for some reason you're singing to yourself, in your head, with a forgotten line or verse, it bugs you until you either look up the lyrics or play the song...
  • Yeah, from the POV of 'I haven't heard... for a while', always. One thing leads to another.
    I often have some rhythm or melody going through my head. Sometimes it takes me days to nail it down and actually play the music.
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