hi all, so i lucked out and somehow ended up with the day off , so i thought i would make the most of the free time and spend it productively IE sat on my ever fatter arse listening to music, yesterday i got home from work to find a package which just happened to contain a box with the Tellurium Q brand on it and inside was a four meter pair of TQ black speaker cables, i plugged the cable in last night and listened to Late junction on BBC radio 3 , first impression was of a far more immediate sound with less blurring of sibilants but i paid it no mind as i didn't know if the sound with the black in place would change over time, something i found was the case with the other cables i have used (and still have all of them) . as the show progressed i was noticing more and more that the studio/room in the broadcast was more apparent and the bloom in upper bass lower mid with the shows presenter speaking was less emphasized too, seemingly more focused and somewhat easier to listen to at higher volumes where with my previous black rhodium tango the upper bass lower mid had too much emphasis at higher volumes when the presenter was speaking and would have me heading for the volume control at the end of a song , i was though aware of a slightly compressed nature to the sound that i hadn't been aware of but i was very tired and not in any condition to really asses what the system was doing, so i left the system playing radio 3 for the night and went to bed after late junction, so it was morning and i was sipping some coffee and went to check my email and upon sitting down i was aware of a wonderful sound very gently filling the room and remembered that i had left the system on over night and just sat for a minute smiling, hmmm i reached for murder ballads by nick cave and his bad seeds on cd, switched on the old second bottom of the range Sony cd player that i keep around for playing my 100 or so cds of tunes i cant or haven't got on vinyl yet, i stopped checking my email for a moment as my attention was literally stolen for a moment by what i was hearing, a larger sound scape than i have ever heard from this little cd player before, also cleaner and less forced but better detail and perception of instrumental placement than i thought it was capable of, back to the email and noticed i had a free day, so on went the turntable's, first up was Juan amalberts and the latin jazz quintet 'hot sauce' , heavily percussive and easy going recording this but i was for the first time struck by how well separated all the individuals playing were, the mix was far easier to view with little effort being needed to concentrate on any one performer , at the same time all the decay of notes seemed far better defined and helped the whole thing meld into a performance of a band all playing for each other and reacting to each other, wonderful !! i wasn't drawn to what my system was doing at any point ,just sat smiling ( and even the odd giggle at the new found and previously hidden detail ) and really enjoying music for the wonderful thing it is. if its ok with the audiochews community i would like to revisit this thread with more thoughts and impressions of what this little bit cable is doing as i would like to try it in all three of my systems and feel i would be best to let it settle for a few more days. all the best Matt
hi Col, good is a word that starts to cover it, i honestly never knew how bad my other cables were at taking the signal from the amp to the speakers until i sat and heard some of my music collection with this stuff in place and also just how good a certain small black amp actually is!!!!, i will admit i was a bit of a 'posh cable' sceptic , TQ has restored my faith in manufacturers , UB (very sharp intake of breath) just too rich for my blood but i will be getting a listen to that new amp Tellurium are working on when its finalised , if i ever get rich enough to move into the 'higher end ' then i would run to a dealer to get a listen to the UB, the standard black is the best thing that has happened to my system in years. huge thanks, highest regards, matt
I must admit I was a bit of a sceptic myself,but having tried all the cables now apart from the green they really do work.
With your soon to be breathed on Claymore as well your system should be sounding superb !
hi Paul, yes indeed, quite a remarkable bit of cable , you dont know somethings are malfunctioning until they are fixed, thats how i feel about the TQ cable , looking forward to getting the amp sorted and then some, it sounds great as is until i try and give it some volume , i can hear the thing run out of steam in the low frequencies ,re-cap should work wonders. just wish it had pre outs so i could hook up the sub,(headphone socket looked tempting but i dont know if there will be impedance issues driving the sub line in) cant have everything i suppose, all the best
If when said amp is re-cap, across the cap fit a 1uF 100V Pollycarbonate capacitor it will reduce the effective ESR and the Low end will appear to improve, It does normally sound lots better, I did this on the Oberons few year after Claymore's and the Dirks also cheated by having very high speed low ESR caps tight up to the output device so the little beast sound much bigger than 50W. I always preferred the Philips Poly C but they are very expensive, and big.
If you need me to find right part please tell me.
Matt enjoy your new cables, I so glad you like them, best. Col (shame about the Pizza box he he)
Managed to fit four 10uf 63v polyester caps under the PCB to bypass each new 10,000uf panasonic.This together with the other electrolytic caps being replaced has resulted in a super sounding amp.
Bass is now deeper & tighter...........with a cleaner top end.
rubbing his hands together Matt lynch sacrifices a very large creambun to offer up as thanks to the great amp sage of much wisdom 'the great Wonfor' and the solder wielding wizard 'the mighty quickie'
Managed to fit four 10uf 63v polyester caps under the PCB to bypass each new 10,000uf panasonic.This together with the other electrolytic caps being replaced has resulted in a super sounding amp.
Bass is now deeper & tighter...........with a cleaner top end.
Hi Paul did you change the diodes, for 6A200 the inrush may stress the old diodes a bit. or was it already fitted with those in the later Claymore,s .
Best Col
rubbing his hands together Matt lynch sacrifices a very large creambun to offer up as thanks to the great amp sage of much wisdom 'the great Wonfor' and the solder wielding wizard 'the mighty quickie'
thankyou guys , so much appreciated,
Nuts I am going over to Pauls to steel it sorry Matt, as I do not have one.
Managed to fit four 10uf 63v polyester caps under the PCB to bypass each new 10,000uf panasonic.This together with the other electrolytic caps being replaced has resulted in a super sounding amp.
Bass is now deeper & tighter...........with a cleaner top end.
Hi Paul did you change the diodes, for 6A200 the inrush may stress the old diodes a bit. or was it already fitted with those in the later Claymore,s .
Best Col
rubbing his hands together Matt lynch sacrifices a very large creambun to offer up as thanks to the great amp sage of much wisdom 'the great Wonfor' and the solder wielding wizard 'the mighty quickie'
thankyou guys , so much appreciated,
Nuts I am going over to Pauls to steel it sorry Matt, as I do not have one.
you didnt keep one for yourself???
perhaps its time to release 'the claymore re-sharpened' #-o
We are working on new one now, PCB done just got to get chassis done and remote.
good stuff, the market place seems to be in need of gear that is all about sonics and less about looks, i often wonder what some of the amps available at the moment would cost if stripped of the fancy case work and extra input options such as balance connections ,usb inputs etc , looking forward to your new creations. all the best, matt :-D
so , to my final thoughts on the Tellurium q black cable, there are moments in ones hi fi using life that come as something of a revelation, the first time i heard quad esl 57 speakers, the first time i heard a Garrard 301/401 , the first time i heard an Inca Tech The Claymore amp, the first time i heard a 2watt SET amp driving some huge horns, the first time i heard Tellurium q black cable in my system !, every piece of music i thought i knew just seems to deliver a new surprise, i take part in quite a few forums and have posted my thoughts of what this cable does to the end product of my system's and in some of those forums i have met with huge resistance with regards to how much change a bit of wire can make, indeed before i tried this cable i was something of a sceptic where cables are concerned , this cable has put that scepticism to bed for good, repeated A/B tests with three different cables and three very different systems and i simply am unable to not notice the improved resolution the TQ brings , i even took it into my work and hooked it up between my Cambridge audio p500 power amps and the sony ssx70 ED speakers that i keep in the workshop, (60foot x 80 foot x20foot) its a big space and even there the sound was hugely improved , to list the improvements , i would have to include , leading edges are hung perfectly on snare drum hits, vocal pronunciation is far clearer and vocals give a far better impression that they are coming from an individual human , those little inflections that make us all sound different are far more apparent but also less forced, i guess more natural would be a fair way to put it , the mix of individual tracks is now easy to see into, double bass is now more like a double bass with the subsonic weight of the instrument coming across beautifully with a real sense of it emanating from the instrument rather than just being deep bass being flung out of my system as it was prior to this cable being in use. as you can tell i really like this innocuous bit of metal clad in plastic!! the thought of the TQ ultra black being even better makes me really wonder what the hell is going on here, how, why, keep springing to mind , i will be straight down to my local dealer when i am putting together a better system than i have at the moment to obtain some ultra black but at the moment i feel the black is good enough, one final thought , if you have an ill balanced system then i don't think this cable will be a magic fix but if your system is well balanced and you are happy with it , give this cable a go to hear what that system can actually do, its quite scary just how much my other cables were messing up the sound. all the very best folks and Tellurium q, WELL DONE !!!
on my wages, i just couldn't dream of spending over a grand ( dizzy spell ! )on a pair of UB speaker cables, i dont get to work as much as i used to as i have to spend a lot of time looking after my mother , she's quite severely disabled and i have been the primary carer since my dear old dad passed away a few years ago which has left the hi fi on a very tight budget since then,, not saying they're not worth it of course, just that if i bought a pair of UB's i wouldn't be able to buy any records for a couple of months and the music is what its all about. the claymore should be here at the weekend , can hardly wait , feel like a kid waiting for Christmas. TQ hybrid?? now they sound interesting, i am not even going to ask what they cost , you know the old saying, if you have to ask you cant afford them ! besides all cables sound the same! didn't you know
Would this be the TQ Hybrid AudioChews signature special cable which we're all going to beta test for you before being told to keep the cables for our troubles?
Would this be the TQ Hybrid AudioChews signature special cable which we're all boing to beta test for you before being told to keep te cables for our troubles?
Hi All we at Tellurium Q are about to at long last add a new range of cables which will have the name "Graphite" this will include speaker cable, and others with Power connector coming out in September. :-)
Should have a set of Blue spare next week if you want to try em......
best regards,
so i lucked out and somehow ended up with the day off , so i thought i would make the most of the free time and spend it productively IE sat on my ever fatter arse listening to music,
yesterday i got home from work to find a package which just happened to contain a box with the Tellurium Q brand on it and inside was a four meter pair of TQ black speaker cables,
i plugged the cable in last night and listened to Late junction on BBC radio 3 , first impression was of a far more immediate sound with less blurring of sibilants but i paid it no mind as i didn't know if the sound with the black in place would change over time, something i found was the case with the other cables i have used (and still have all of them) .
as the show progressed i was noticing more and more that the studio/room in the broadcast was more apparent and the bloom in upper bass lower mid with the shows presenter speaking was less emphasized too, seemingly more focused and somewhat easier to listen to at higher volumes where with my previous black rhodium tango the upper bass lower mid had too much emphasis at higher volumes when the presenter was speaking and would have me heading for the volume control at the end of a song ,
i was though aware of a slightly compressed nature to the sound that i hadn't been aware of but i was very tired and not in any condition to really asses what the system was doing, so i left the system playing radio 3 for the night and went to bed after late junction,
so it was morning and i was sipping some coffee and went to check my email and upon sitting down i was aware of a wonderful sound very gently filling the room and remembered that i had left the system on over night and just sat for a minute smiling, hmmm i reached for murder ballads by nick cave and his bad seeds on cd, switched on the old second bottom of the range Sony cd player that i keep around for playing my 100 or so cds of tunes i cant or haven't got on vinyl yet, i stopped checking my email for a moment as my attention was literally stolen for a moment by what i was hearing, a larger sound scape than i have ever heard from this little cd player before, also cleaner and less forced but better detail and perception of instrumental placement than i thought it was capable of, back to the email and noticed i had a free day, so on went the turntable's,
first up was Juan amalberts and the latin jazz quintet 'hot sauce' , heavily percussive and easy going recording this but i was for the first time struck by how well separated all the individuals playing were, the mix was far easier to view with little effort being needed to concentrate on any one performer , at the same time all the decay of notes seemed far better defined and helped the whole thing meld into a performance of a band all playing for each other and reacting to each other, wonderful !! i wasn't drawn to what my system was doing at any point ,just sat smiling ( and even the odd giggle at the new found and previously hidden detail ) and really enjoying music for the wonderful thing it is.
if its ok with the audiochews community i would like to revisit this thread with more thoughts and impressions of what this little bit cable is doing as i would like to try it in all three of my systems and feel i would be best to let it settle for a few more days.
all the best
good is a word that starts to cover it, i honestly never knew how bad my other cables were at taking the signal from the amp to the speakers until i sat and heard some of my music collection with this stuff in place and also just how good a certain small black amp actually is!!!!, i will admit i was a bit of a 'posh cable' sceptic , TQ has restored my faith in manufacturers , UB (very sharp intake of breath) just too rich for my blood but i will be getting a listen to that new amp Tellurium are working on when its finalised , if i ever get rich enough to move into the 'higher end ' then i would run to a dealer to get a listen to the UB, the standard black is the best thing that has happened to my system in years.
huge thanks,
highest regards,
Hi Matt,
I must admit I was a bit of a sceptic myself,but having tried all the cables now apart from the green they really do work.
With your soon to be breathed on Claymore as well your system should be sounding superb !
yes indeed, quite a remarkable bit of cable , you dont know somethings are malfunctioning until they are fixed, thats how i feel about the TQ cable ,
looking forward to getting the amp sorted and then some, it sounds great as is until i try and give it some volume , i can hear the thing run out of steam in the low frequencies ,re-cap should work wonders. just wish it had pre outs so i could hook up the sub,(headphone socket looked tempting but i dont know if there will be impedance issues driving the sub line in) cant have everything i suppose,
all the best
Thanks Col.
Are the Polycarbs much better then polyester ? probably have some 10uf 63v's here.
Matts in for a treat
Managed to fit four 10uf 63v polyester caps under the PCB to bypass each new 10,000uf panasonic.This together with the other electrolytic caps being replaced has resulted in a super sounding amp.
Bass is now deeper & tighter...........with a cleaner top end.
thankyou guys , so much appreciated,
perhaps its time to release 'the claymore re-sharpened'
looking forward to your new creations.
all the best,
there are moments in ones hi fi using life that come as something of a revelation, the first time i heard quad esl 57 speakers, the first time i heard a Garrard 301/401 , the first time i heard an Inca Tech The Claymore amp, the first time i heard a 2watt SET amp driving some huge horns, the first time i heard Tellurium q black cable in my system !,
every piece of music i thought i knew just seems to deliver a new surprise, i take part in quite a few forums and have posted my thoughts of what this cable does to the end product of my system's and in some of those forums i have met with huge resistance with regards to how much change a bit of wire can make, indeed before i tried this cable i was something of a sceptic where cables are concerned , this cable has put that scepticism to bed for good, repeated A/B tests with three different cables and three very different systems and i simply am unable to not notice the improved resolution the TQ brings ,
i even took it into my work and hooked it up between my Cambridge audio p500 power amps and the sony ssx70 ED speakers that i keep in the workshop, (60foot x 80 foot x20foot) its a big space and even there the sound was hugely improved ,
to list the improvements , i would have to include , leading edges are hung perfectly on snare drum hits, vocal pronunciation is far clearer and vocals give a far better impression that they are coming from an individual human , those little inflections that make us all sound different are far more apparent but also less forced, i guess more natural would be a fair way to put it , the mix of individual tracks is now easy to see into, double bass is now more like a double bass with the subsonic weight of the instrument coming across beautifully with a real sense of it emanating from the instrument rather than just being deep bass being flung out of my system as it was prior to this cable being in use.
as you can tell i really like this innocuous bit of metal clad in plastic!!
the thought of the TQ ultra black being even better makes me really wonder what the hell is going on here, how, why, keep springing to mind , i will be straight down to my local dealer when i am putting together a better system than i have at the moment to obtain some ultra black but at the moment i feel the black is good enough,
one final thought , if you have an ill balanced system then i don't think this cable will be a magic fix but if your system is well balanced and you are happy with it , give this cable a go to hear what that system can actually do, its quite scary just how much my other cables were messing up the sound.
all the very best folks
and Tellurium q, WELL DONE !!!
on my wages, i just couldn't dream of spending over a grand ( dizzy spell ! )on a pair of UB speaker cables,
i dont get to work as much as i used to as i have to spend a lot of time looking after my mother , she's quite severely disabled and i have been the primary carer since my dear old dad passed away a few years ago which has left the hi fi on a very tight budget since then,,
not saying they're not worth it of course, just that if i bought a pair of UB's i wouldn't be able to buy any records for a couple of months and the music is what its all about.
the claymore should be here at the weekend , can hardly wait
, feel like a kid waiting for Christmas.
TQ hybrid?? now they sound interesting, i am not even going to ask what they cost , you know the old saying, if you have to ask you cant afford them ! besides all cables sound the same! didn't you know
Or did I dream that?