Tants Caps and Jump Jets

Just a word of warning for Tants from parts experience and with Naim Audio, these cap should not be used in Audio and never in signal path, the sod act like a crap diode, blow up well, we used them in Magnum amps very bad idea, life far to short.

Also had problems in Jump Jet  with the PTR377 Transmitter the Tants caught on fire and pilot ejected, whoops.


Wima do some 16V-35V Polycarb cap these are great try them.

I use 10uF 16V in my pre as DC blockers.

Another tip Polystyrene cap have colour band one end that is the outer foil so solder to lowest impedance i.e. Zero or output , reduces noise pick up humm etc.

I hope this helps?


  • So they're not recommended for da kitz, den?  B)

    S'riously, there are good tips, Col. Keep 'em coming.
  • When I scan Chews' Home page, I keep seeing Tarts' Caps.

    Maybe just my brain...
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