Charles Bonnet Syndrome

edited June 21 in Other stuff
The stroke I had last Friday has me with " Charles Bonnet Syndrome" which I am sorry to has left me partly sighted no right hand image on either eye.

So if you need help with fixing any kit I have made it will take me a lot longer.
Oh when soldering  the pink things I have scream a lot ooouch and smell of bacon.

I am so sorry guys.

Best Col


  • So sorry to here that Col.
  • I find it funny.
    Seeing things that not there.
    Kylie Monoque was here today on sofa.
    I watched the Dr Who Xmas episode just a hour before. It was from that mum also was there crazy.

    Oh well back to UFO,S and truth telling politicians. 
  • Take it easy, Col.
  • AntiCrap said:
    ...and truth telling politicians. 
    Too late Dave, Mr.14 has lost the plot! >:)

  • No ordered it yesterday near a nice apple tree.
    And with Blue granite lid.
  • Nice lid. It'll keep the apples from falling on your head.  :o 
  • AntiCrap said:
    I find it funny.
    Seeing things that not there.
    Kylie Monoque was here today on sofa.
    I watched the Dr Who Xmas episode just a hour before. It was from that mum also was there crazy.

    Oh well back to UFO,S and truth telling politicians. 
    I wouldn't mind a bit of Ms Minogue... 😏
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