The TOCA SECA Life...❤️
in Amplifiers
So I'm curious about what my fellow Seca users here are running for their Front end source and Preamplification.
C'mon peeps, spill the beans... 😎👌
C'mon peeps, spill the beans... 😎👌
Phonostage is a diy Big Bottle Audio BB3 jfet, mosfet valve beauty which works with both MC & MM cartridges.
Pre-amp at the moment is jfet Nutube pre with rather a lot of gain. Also used in rotation are a Salas DCG3, VTA SP14(valve) and a couple of other pre-amps.
I use a few digital (getting more true with every passing week 😉) sources. Predominantly YTube that gets squired optically from my Oled TV - and other various 16bit Red book cd players I have lying around here.
These are fed into an Audio Note Kits (ANK) transformer coupled output DAC 4.1 S.E
The Dac then line drives a silver wound transformer coupled Preamp by Music First.
Output of this injects whatever SECA amp or Claymore/Kit Amp from Colin I'm using at the time.
Interconnects are of the ABCaudio variety from Alan.
Currently running a set of KEF 207 Reference speakers (retail @£15k)
Currently using the Seca20 amp while the 50's get sorted out (a good thing they've NOT both blown up like someone here wished upon me 🙄 -now why would someone say that after selling you the gear? First I've ever heard of the like.
Quite possibly, they're mentally unstable from a bump to the head).
So you went the PTP route huh? Nice!
What bearing upgrade did you do to it if I may ask?
Oh, and the SupaTrak...NOW you've got my attention !! Lol 😃
I need to hear more of this... If you have the time, please embellish with more details 🙏
I started a thread on LencoHeaven after reading about the Supatrac arm and Richard the designer kindly joined in and gave out snippets of information. A number of people built variations of the arm; some beautiful creations. One of the best things I've made opening up the soundstage and allowing so much detail to come through.
Lots of information and pictures on Lenco Heaven,
The SupaTrak design is deffo the way to go I think. Just like Colin says sometimes 'KISS' design 👌
I'm hoping to build my own sometime soon.
I'll be fine come Winter 😊
Phenomenal amplifiers and what they do.
Not so much 'grunt' per-sé.
What the Seca20's do, these do Seca20 plus 50% again 👌
Thing is though (and this is something I'm trying to find out from other users) the Seca design can only be fully realised when it's fed the best source possible.
I've got a pretty good front end, but not the best. But I've been doing a bit of tweaking, including a PSU from Colin, which I hope to collect from him this week.
It will be lovely to catch up on things, is that nice cafe still open near you?
Smiffy I am going to Dave to the Lemon Slice cafe so don't get jealous.
Have a slice for me pls Dave 🙏
We've had them in the past, but not recently. Maybe something to think about if there's enough interest.
But I say 'good luck' to Richard the designer...a nice chap with an excellent approach to Engineering 😍👌
His input on the DIY side of things is a breath of fresh air tbh.