Toobs, blue smoke and winter warmers

This discussion was created from comments split from: What is the hallmark of a good upgrade?.


  • The trick is to use loads of Super Glue, you cover all the Semi Conductors with so the Blue Smoke can't escape when playing Digital lies and Ugly Music. So no smoke sound OK. 
    Easy stuff.
  • 😂👏👏 Nice one Col 😄
  • AntiCrap said:
    The trick is to use loads of Super Glue, you cover all the Semi Conductors with so the Blue Smoke can't escape when playing Digital lies and Ugly Music. So no smoke sound OK. 
    Easy stuff.

    The blue smoke is the best bit >:) >:) >:)
  • uglymusic said:
    Smiffy said:
    Funnily enough, I've never liked valves, and thought I didn't like Class A until Colin brought round a SECA power amp about 15 years ago. It blew me away! I still don't like valves :) And I still have Colin's SECA amps in my big rig.
    I think I can see Colin's head expanding even from the south coast o:) Even if he is a genius B)


    The trouble with valves or toobs to our USA friends, is that there are far too many bad designs out there.
    Valves done right (guv) can sound as beguiling as A class but in a different way.
    It took me some time to realise this as I'd heard mostly sub-standard twaddlery.
    It was a Graaf that changed my mind initially, IIRC a GM50 power amp....magical.
  • cj66 said:
    uglymusic said:
    Smiffy said:
    Funnily enough, I've never liked valves, and thought I didn't like Class A until Colin brought round a SECA power amp about 15 years ago. It blew me away! I still don't like valves :) And I still have Colin's SECA amps in my big rig.
    I think I can see Colin's head expanding even from the south coast o:) Even if he is a genius B)


    The trouble with valves or toobs to our USA friends, is that there are far too many bad designs out there.
    Valves done right (guv) can sound as beguiling as A class but in a different way.
    It took me some time to realise this as I'd heard mostly sub-standard twaddlery.
    It was a Graaf that changed my mind initially, IIRC a GM50 power amp....magical.

    Ahem! Aren't there many Class A tooby-fings?
  • edited December 2024
    Glen Croft, made a OTL (transformer less) Class A it was amazing about 30W.
    First heard at Tom Flecher home on Tannoy Buckinghams.
    I was demonstrating a MIH pair of 400W mono FET it was about 1980 ish.
    The MIH became ProAC Magnum amp and when Relph go involved we started AC Magnum .
    So Glen amp was a great amp a clever man.
  • I never had a chance to properly audition Glen's gear. Which is a shame, they sounded better than most of those glowing things :)
    BTW, I'm not saying I have a blanket exclusion of valves; I'm saying I've never listened to any of them that I'd want at home.
  • Great in winter warm sound warm home, and in laws stay longer over Xmas.
  • edited December 2024
    We have a radiator at the back end of our living room and the SECAs at the front ‘nuff said 
  • Sounds like my listening room.
  • Marra49 said:
    Sounds like my listening room.
  • uglymusic said:
    I never had a chance to properly audition Glen's gear. Which is a shame, they sounded better than most of those glowing things :)
    BTW, I'm not saying I have a blanket exclusion of valves; I'm saying I've never listened to any of them that I'd want at home.
    My ANK Dac 4.1 SE has toobs in it. Partly in the power supply stage and then the line drive section (driving the line output transformers). 'Twas an incredible revelation to discover what this could do.
    Then Colin's Seca's came along an really showed what the Dac could do !!

    Every day I turn the system on feels like Christmas 😇😍
  • Smiffy said:
    uglymusic said:
    I never had a chance to properly audition Glen's gear. Which is a shame, they sounded better than most of those glowing things :)
    BTW, I'm not saying I have a blanket exclusion of valves; I'm saying I've never listened to any of them that I'd want at home.
    My ANK Dac 4.1 SE has toobs in it. Partly in the power supply stage and then the line drive section (driving the line output transformers). 'Twas an incredible revelation to discover what this could do.
    Then Colin's Seca's came along an really showed what the Dac could do !!

    Every day I turn the system on feels like Christmas 😇😍

    Er, it is Christmas :) :) :) o:) >:) o:)
  • Oh yeah !  😏👌
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