Hello, I just got here searching for info on the Inca Tech Claymore
Hello everyone, I stumbled upon this forum searching for information on the Inca Tech Claymore.
To introduce myself: my name is Andre and I am from the Netherlands. My musical taste is eclectic, from classical to jazz to prog rock to chansons.
I have an Inca Tech Claymore amplifier, paired with Etude Rhea speakers. I got this setup decades ago from the original owner and enjoyed it ever since. I just recently learned that there is also a spiritual connection between the amp and the speakers as Colin Wonfor and the late Marc van Moerbeke of Etude apparently knew each other quite well.
Although my Inca Tech Claymore (Issue 6) is in working order, it is beginning to show its age. The power led needs replacement and sometimes I need to wiggle the input selector to hear both channels. I was contemplating on restoring it myself, replacing the old electrolytic capacitors on the way. However, reading this forum I get intrigued by the prospect of maybe having the amplifier upgraded. Is mr. Colin Wonfor still doing services/upgrades for the Inca Tech Claymore?
We did Magnum,Dreadnought, Inca Tech and Design,TOCA Tellurium Q and EWA design I did.
Now sort of bored and retired, but I still upgrade my designs include Claymores there is about 25000 of them in the world.
So see private msg here on AudioChews
Best Colin J. Wonfor
Colin has become quite a focus for this forum. I think most of us - past and present - have something either designed or made by Colin.
And I have a thing about jazz, too. Have a look through my posts in our mammoth Listening to... thread. There may be something you like.
Dear Colin Wonfor, great to hear you are still around and able to do upgrades on your wonderful designs.
It was very strange for me to discover that you and the late Marc van Moerbeke knew each other so well, having the amplifier and speakers at home for all these years but not realizing that the people who designed them were close to each other. I am sorry for the loss of your friend Marc a few years ago. I imagine you must have had lengthy discussions with each other about the pros and cons of certain design choices and on how to achieve the ultimate listening experience.
Weird how sometimes the mind effects listening to audio equipment: since knowing about the connection between the designers, I fancy that I can really hear more synergy in the pairing between the Claymore and the Etude Rhea. Of course it’s all just neurons firing in the brain. ;-)
I have read your private message and will contact you by email about the possibility of upgrading the Claymore.
Best, Andre
To be honest, I listen a lot to digital these days. Lossless streaming is just so convenient…. And there is so much good music to discover and rediscover.
Also I can’t really complain on how it sounds (using my Grace m902 as a DAC - but also 10 euro DACs can sound astonishing good nowadays).
Shame it does lack the fun of taking a record out of its sleeve, putting the needle on the vinyl.
I really thought that I had arrived 'Home' with my silicon/Thermionic hybrid Dac, thinking it must have surpassed what vinyl could do.
How wrong I was ! 😱
Since I've been testing out Colin's new Phono stage, I have to admit vinyl has been sounding like nothing before.
As I'm sitting here, it's an uncanny feeling as it does not relate to previous cd or vinyl replay 😮