Plane crash at Shoreham

edited July 2011 in Off-topic

Crikey! I drove past there half an hour before, and I just heard from my bro - in - law that it came down right as he was there! Doesn't look good for the pilot either.


  • Yikes! I think I may have heard it from just down the road in the People's Republic of Worthing.

    It's unclear what happened to the other plane.
  • The other plane landed safely, without engines...! A belly landing too!

    The pilot of the other plane did sadly die, and bits of his aircraft are littered all over Shoreham beach, beach green & Adur Rec.

    The whole happened so close to the airport - the crash photo has the traffic control tower behind about 100 yards from the wreckage. Difficult questions ahead methinks.
  • Sounds like there will some difficult questions.

    At least one plane got away safely.
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