Your best 5 years for music eva...

edited November 2011 in Music
Obviously this indicates ones musical preferences...

I go 1968-73.
The psychedelic blues of Fleetwood Mac, Hendrix and cream, cash at folsom and the best of the Beatles, through to some great stuff from the JBs and Cymande and loads of definitive rare groove and funk.
Heck you even get dark side of the moon...


  • A bit earlier for me. 1959-64

    1959, the year everything happened in jazz - Miles Davis' Kind of Blue, John Coltrane's Giant Steps, Ornette Coleman hits New York for the first time and the brown stuff hits the rotating thing, Charles Mingus' Ah Um etc etc

    1964, the year John Coltrane recorded A Love Supreme.
  • i am with you on the 68-73 , some very fine tunes indeed, odd though that we consider that to be such good music as every band and artist mentioned were actually not talking to each other and most recordings were done in session with the individual artists then mixed into lp's of the band!

    for jazz i would say your spot on Dave , those were magical times and the magic was caught on the recording tapes , we just dont seem to get that these days , i blame digital!! nah just kidding

    i would go back a little farther to around 55-56 when a skinny guy who went by the name of Buddy Holly hit the scene .
  • Jazz wise yes. I concur.
    Personally 89-94 were my formative years and so the music that emerged at the time has a special place in my heart. The Manchester scene, acid jazz and techno. But objectively, I'm aware that those aren't really contenders for the best music Eva... ;-)
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