Shindo Auriege/Border Patrol Preamps Home Demo
Still feeling like I have a valve itch to scratch, so yesterday I picked up a Shindo Auriege and a Border Patrol Control Unit Pre to try in my system. This afternoon I've got a few hours with the house to myself so can let both pre's loose and see what impact they have on my system.
The Shindo has been warming up for the last couple of time to see what all the fuss is about.
How are things going? Isn't the anticipation of taking kit home to demo brilliant, almost as good as listening to it. I don't know what the kit is, but I think valve equipment has a certain charm to it.
Looking forward to seeing how you get on.
There appears to be no trade off in terms of detail or soundstage - if anything the soundstage is deeper than before. Great texture to bass notes, slightly rolled off treble perhaps.....interesting. Right, now time to try the Border Patrol Pre (even less info on Google about this one).
PS Justin - I'm like a kid in a sweet shop right now :-)
more transparent of the two with less frequency roll off at the extremes. In fact the bass emanating from my speakers carries more weight than it did with the Shindo, yet the texture of the Shindo is retained. I love the way voices sound with the Border Patrol - very natural. Leading edges of guitar notes also have greater bite. It's like the Shindo sound is a little blunted in comparison.
More to follow.
Still, I have some ugly HiFi that only stays because it sounds so good! Mind you, it looks like a nice quandary to be in.
But he makes extremely good stuff, je designed the Border Patrol power supply, and a,ps for Audio Note, the digital board for a very expensive. nos dac etc,
KR Keith.
My original intention was to run the Weiss direct into my speakers. However, using a high quality active pre has changed my views on this. My system sounds better using a pre - it's like the pre has far greater grip and control. Bass notes have real depth and slam. With the Weiss direct the presentation is slightly flat and anaemic sounding - this only becomes apparent after A/B'ing between the two setups - don't get me wrong, the Weiss does sound very good running direct, it's just that with the right pre it sounds even better.
This week Ive spoken with more dealers, none of whom suggested that running the Weiss direct will give the best result.
It depends on how good the preamp is and the sound you like, really a pre should be completely transparent and just provide a good impedance match to the power amps.
I would continue to listen and use the 'direct ' sound as a reference, personally I wouldn't eat to lose resolution or dynamics.
KR Keith.
Dave is right too about all this being system dependant. He & I run similar systems and appear to looking for broadly similar sonic priorities, but both the amplifier and the speaker designers of our gear have a minimalistic approach. It seems diluting the design's ethos would stop us hearing our kit at its best.
Its fair to say the designers in question both have reputations for being idiosyncratic, so their approach is not normal (which is part of the attraction), so your mileage will vary.
If the amp modules in the Adams were developed to be happier being really driven (with an active pre) then that's the deciding factor, innit? But in Daniel Weiss' R&D system, the 202 probably sounds better drivimg the amps direct.
Of course, none of us, nor the Adam designer nor Daniel Weiss live in your front room (have you checked under the sofa?), so you only know what's best (it's the Border Patrol!?).
Now I can hear how the Shindo is warming things up, rolling off the frequency extremes. It is definitely adding something.
The Border Patrol is more neutral sounding than the Shindo. Perhaps it is as Keith says a question of impedence matching, and in my system it takes an active pre to adequately drive my speakers. There is no loss of dynamics or resolution with the Border Patrol - quite the opposite in terms of dynamics. It was clear within the first few bass drum kicks of the first track I played that the Border Patrol provides greater bass depth, better texture and seemingly more control over my speakers.
On Saturday I'll be able swap out my DAC, speakers, add a pre etc at my leisure and I'm looking forward to hearing the difference each change makes.
BTW, I unfairly edited my post while you were writing yours, because I remembered the Shindig wasn't your fave, it was the Snow Patrol! :P
I didn't go with the intention of replacing my DAC, but after listening to a Bel Canto DAC I've decided to sell my Weiss. I'll explain why when I do a more complete write up.
Cheers, James.