Alternative to Royd Doublets.
Hi Guys,
I currently use a Squeezebox Touch/Chord Optichord Toslink/Rega DAC/Chord Chamelion Silver + ICs/Rega Brio R/Rega Quatto FSC speaker Cable/ Royd Doublets Loudspeakers.
I'm well aware that there is a fan base here for Royd Loudspeakers and I really do appreciate how good they are, but; I'm finding the above setup a little on the bright side for my taste.
I'd been using a pair of Mission 753 Freedoms before and although they weren't perfect; they did exhibit a much fuller sound. So I guess I just want all the benefits of a Royd with a slightly warmer tonal balance if that makes sense.
Any suggestions for addressing this guys; different speaker cable or ICs perhaps; OR if Royds had to go what would you suggest I check out. Something available second-hand preferably.
Thanks in anticipation
I,ve been tempted to consider Royd RR1,Rega RS3 and there are some ProAc Studio 125 possibly available. Also tempted by NVA LS1 on offer at the moment.
Any views on this guys
If you want to explore NVA cable they are excellent also, quite a few on here use/have used them. I still have my 4m set of LS5 which may be available sometime, but it may be too short for you.
This thread is almost in need of a chisel, n'est pas...?
Glad you guys know about NVA speaker cables.
I do reckon that you'd love LS1 Arfa, not to dear even compared to LS2. How long are you speaker cable runs?
BTW, I used Gotham GAC 1 too, very good for the money and well made, but I replaced them with the identically priced sound-cords from NVA. They were better at imaging and much nicer on the mid & treble, but the Gothams seemed better on bass. I worked out after a while the the Gothams did this by slightly restricting the mids & highs...