Here at Dave 'n' Jim's Hi-Fi Lab, we have had our first set-back
You know that silly digital purist's idea I had to drop the pre-amp?
Well, Jim was right, along with everyone else who questioned me. This evening I fried two hitherto working Supravox drivers with ear-splittingly loud digital noise.
Smoke, burning smell, flying small cones and worry that the TDSs had gone as well.
Between them, Audirvana +, iTunes and Audio Hijack Pro ground to a halt and made a horrible noise. OS X stayed up.
So was it 'just' the drivers in the end...?
Actually, I'm not sure whether to be sympathetic or cheery. How are you feeling?
I hope everything is OK (save those bass drivers, of course!).
I remember snapping the cantaliver of a BPS evo3 once, and just thinking "bugger".
First time I remember was when I knocked one of my mum's flower over smashing it to bits. (Not recently btw.)
At least you're OK Dave, as they say...
Glad to hear the amps survived Dave.
Pushing the envelope is obviously not without risk especially physical !