Once again ridding the world of the scourge of solid state!
After the regretful sale of my Lumleys and trying quite a few amps since then (I have been busy!), I seem to have come back full circle to valves again. I've found it very difficult finding any SS amp that delivers any sort of emotional involvement with the music with my fairly sensitive monster agathons. Finally settled on a Consonance Cyber 10 signature (2A3's used in tandem pairs in push-pull) which delivers a staggering.............11.5 watts (no sniggering at the back there). That's enough to rattle the windows with these 'speakers though and once again happy to have an amp that promises to delivers music in the most engaging manner (taking the mind off the hifi). I don't care how it measures, it's the sound that counts!
What type of music do you mostly listen to?
KR Keith.
Never heard the Consanance amps.
Glad they work for you.
well done finding something that suits you. I will have to hear a system in the same vein some day. How about a PAC - System thread with photos? I for one would love to see how it looks these days.
I like Cols Nelson Pass suggestion, there was a first watt F5 (I think) for sale recently, and if I had the dough I would have been right there.
What speakers are you using?
If you have written it up in another thread I appologise - I'm a lazy bugger.