Two steps forward. One step sideways
After blowing up a couple of drive units on the OBs, taking some time off and getting sidetracked with a load of family stuff, I finally got my big rig back together again last week.
I put my old NVA Statement Passive Pre back, plus my remaining set of working NVA Super Sound Pipe interconnects. The passive is manual, of course, but I'm not using it for volume control, instead it's there just as protection for the speakers. So I'm using the digital volume control in Audirvana + just as when I was running without a pre.
With the extra ironmongery in circuit, I expected the window to be a bit foggy. But nothing could be further from the truth.
It all sounds very little worse than the pre-less set-up without the extra set of interconnects. So I'm left pointing at the Tellurium Q Ultra Black speaker cables I bought and installed just before the OBs replaced the RR3s. This stuff is fantastic. It's all positives with no downsides at all, as far as I can hear. It adds so much to the sound and experience of the system, but hasn't managed to expose any weaknesses.
What I'm hearing now has so much of the positive characteristics I thought I was developing from the OBs - the airiness, detail, naturalness and a stereo image that extends dramatically above the level of the speakers.
There's only one thing missing at the moment. I don't think the Royds have the persuasiveness, the ability to suck me right into the music that I was getting with the OBs. But I can't play one after the other, so I can't be 100% certain.
However, I continue to be amazed by the little Royd RR3s. They're being fed by cables that retail at about the same as they did when new, and the cables are connected to amplifiers worth five times as much. And they just get better, the better signal I feed them with. I can't think of a pair of small speakers I'd want more.
The OBs will make their return sometime soon.
I thought you and SWMBO were having dancing lessons
I listened to all the cable nay-sayers a few years ago and went to basic stuff. I wasn't enjoying the music as much. In the last 6 months I've replaced all my cables (nearly, got a couple to go) with Kimber which I used for years.
Everything is groovy again!
I'm really looking forward to hearing the new big speakers at some point.
I'm blissfully happy with my setup at the moment, and feel not at all motivated to change, and have just spent several years hifi budget on a car... needs to keep the hobby alive. Keeps me off the streets at least.
I went for a 2008 Daihatsu Sirion. I love Daihatsus and got a great deal on one on ebay (only 20k on the clock), though not cheap ina absolute terms for me at £3500. That's nearly as much as my power amp and speakers combined for goodness sake...!
I'm seeing the car as a kind of investment TBH. I'm dropping a day at work next year to enable me to complete a Level 3 Counselling course on Fridays. I'm excited about the course, but losing a days pay will mean a lot less spare money. If the course goes well, I may continue on to a diploma/degree which will mean even more time off work. My hope is that by buying a decentish car now, hopefully it won't be a drain my depleted funds through repairs or heaven forbid, replacement, over the coming years.
Famous last words...?
Anyway, back on planet on-topic...
Just like my Tesco corduroys.