Rules of this community
We try to keep these simple:
All members will treat other members as they would if they were standing face-to-face - anyone who doesn't understand the implications of this really doesn't belong here.
Make no judgmental mention of other forums or members of other forums.
Links to other websites may only be made as a point of interest/reference - eg music or information about hi-fi components.
While all posts are the opinion of the person posting, and not the owners, administrators or moderators of this community, anything judged as libelous or inflammatory will be removed.
We won't knowingly be sharing your details with anyone who shouldn't have them.
These rules will be edited as the community evolves.
general elaboration, copied from a previous thread. It seemed worth
keeping up here a general reference wrt AudioChews's place among
other UK forums (and it took a while to write, so you will read it &
like it...). The following are some sweeping generalisations by me. -
If you look at any thread on the larger UK Hi-Fi forums
regarding something like component burn in, whether 'competently
designed' amplifiers all sound the same or particularly whether
cables actually sound different to each other, you will quickly
notice the, shall we say - 'robust debating' style that typifies
these forums. It is largely a knee jerk reaction to marketing
flimflam and ridiculous (and occasionally legally disproved)
pseudo-scientific claims by many manufacturers and, sadly, partisan
reviewers. These factors have been a part of the Hi-Fi landscape for
three decades, and cause feelings to run deep.
Audio Chews is
also a reactionary community, it was established out of
disappointment with some other forums in which it was no longer OK to
say what we heard without being shot down someone who 'knows better',
or another forum where you could be as nasty as you wanted about
anyone anywhere. All voices can be heard here, and we don't even mind
robust comments so long as they leave room for the other view without
devaluing the opinions of either side. The watchword at Audio Chews
is respect.
To elaborate a little further, in the UK there is
an uneasy truce between the 'objectivist' audiophile - the one who
has the knowledge to say something does or does not happen, and
crucially is happy to discount what he thinks he hears if his
understanding tells him otherwise, and the more 'subjective'
audiophile, which is the general bias of this forum. We ('subjective'
audiophiles) don't want to be deceived, and are happy to be educated,
but not to be patronised. Challenged - perhaps yes, but not told that
we can't hear what we are in fact experiencing in our listening rooms
because someone somewhere else 'knows' differently.
therefore adopt a live & let live attitude, that is to say we as
'subjectivist listeners' accept we don't always understand what we
describe nor can we prove it (nor feel the compulsion to), but
equally an 'objective audiophile' cannot change the reality of what
we hear. The uneasiness of this 'truce' dictates a certain amount of
respect be shown in writing to the opposing sides of the issues at
hand, whatever one might think privately.
Finally, if we all
can accept this position, then the occasional post that has an
unusually robust style can be seen in context and accepted for what
it is, without the taking of offence. The whole situation seems to be
a largely British phenomenon, especially once the context is taken
into account, but I hope that helps a little.