Pop loves

edited June 2012 in Other music
A bit of a twin thread to the 'Guilty Pleasures' thread this...

As grown up audiophiles, we've all developed our own musical interests, and have burrowed deep into the most extreme corners of those interests. In most cases this burrowing is for genuine personal musical pleasure, and many gems are uncovered. But also, it's almost a requirement of credibility amongst one's male peers to have, and to express having, a liking for something just a bit musically obscure.
To the question "So what do you listen to...?" you'd better be prepared with an answer better than just "Oh, pop music. You know, The Rolling Stones, Mariah Carey, Wham. Anything like that really". Better to have something up your (record) sleeve such as "Well, recently I've go into early Trinidadian roots / late Austrian Baroque choral music / East Estonian Bazooki / Blackpool organ recitals 1935-37".

But, I suspect deep down, many of us have a place for some good quality pop as well as that Eskimo seal bone percussion act live CD we picked up on ebay for a small fortune. I'm wondering which tracks are wheeled out by those posting here.
For me, my fav' pop acts are (no great surprises I'm afraid:
The Beatles

Line 'em up fellas...!


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