He was such a humble, pleasant man (it seemed), it was impossible not to be drawn to him. I think this is a rare quality in anyone with something about which there is no need to be modest.
He was notoriously hard to interview, repeatedly turning down all the large news organizations and chat shows - yet his last interview (only published a month or so ago) was with a body of accountants in Australia, an interview which most big hitters in the news/chat industry would have given their eye teeth for. The interviewer is not an interviewer at all, but it seems NA happily granted the interview (he rejected an average of 10 interviews a month) because his father was in accounts as an auditor.
Inspiring stuff indeed.
He was notoriously hard to interview, repeatedly turning down all the large news organizations and chat shows - yet his last interview (only published a month or so ago) was with a body of accountants in Australia, an interview which most big hitters in the news/chat industry would have given their eye teeth for. The interviewer is not an interviewer at all, but it seems NA happily granted the interview (he rejected an average of 10 interviews a month) because his father was in accounts as an auditor.