Building Colin's SECA kit
This discussion was created from comments split from: For Sale: Colin Wonfor SECA Class A Power Amp.
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I suppose our Colin deserves some credit also.
I've not checked how big the modules are so this case might be overkill, but it sure does look purdy:
Which is the size to go for with regard to internal height size (to accomodate the PCBs) and the heatsink capacity...?
I'm hoping the "3 unit" ones here would be OK, as the 4 unit ones are taller than I'd like.
And what does the "unit" bit refer to...? Is it something to do with the overall heatsink capacity...? If so is "3 units" enough...?
Thank you.
Feeling excited about this Colin. 8->
Should I treat your suggestion on the case as a formal instruction (ie follow it to the letter)...?
Are you able to use these heatsinks that is part of the case, or do you need more heat sinkerage?
I can't see any specs for the heatsinks (other than dimensions) on the modushop website, for me to fail to understand.
I hadn't discovered the spare parts bit.
Will take a good look later.
So the modushop option to go for would be this one...
(ie 4U 400mm (with 2 heatsinks each side))...
And the 190 euro order there includes everything (4x heatsinks, front and back & top and bottom panels...?
And the 0.38 heatsink rating is definitely adequate for the boards...?
With regard to spreading the heat load over two sinks, would this be as simple as including some sort of metal plate that spans both heatsinks inside the case, and on to which the board can be mounted, or is there some other way...?
Or, is there a simpler case & heatsink option elsewhere...? I should probably go back and read this thead...
I appreciate everyone's patience with this. This is the first time I've ever done anything like this...
Ben can have another colour.
Ben can have puce :-)
for the cases.
It looks like the same case I bought for my DAC except this one has heat sinks. Everything we need to build the box is included - apart from feet which I think I had to order from somewhere else.
Do the feet need to be of a particular height? I've noticed that on both my (your!) TOCA and the ID25 the feet are taller than one normally expects to see...
Paul: Thanks for the reminder about the PFM cases. This Modushop thing continues to tempt me as it's an all in one (cases and heatsinks) package, so I won't be anxious about making sure that parts match.
Brumjam: I'm happy to team up for a discount, but won't the order need to be sent to the same address to qualify...? If not, or if you live close to Gloucester, then I'm up for it.
Sov: That's good. I'll see how it arrives. I'm guessing feet are not a hassle to source if the case arrives without. And, what sort of feet? My intention has been to use something like these:
My freezer needs defrosting, so I will sling the boards in there the moment they are wired up...
Thanks for everyone's ongoing input on this.
I do love to sing in the shower
=D> ^:)^ 8->
Lovely work. Lovely photos. (Even though this bit is done for me, I would agree with Sov that photos are the single most helpful instructions for me.)
My second response is "thank crikey you've done that for me". Incredible value for money: Hand built by the best designer of Class A amps in the business.
I'm looking forward to getting things started...!
I suspect it will be a single step process with each step checked here first. (E.g. "OK I have unwrapped the PCBs...What do I do next...?" or more likely "OK I have snapped the PCB in half while unwrapping it... What do I do next...?") A slow, steady and cautious pace will be the way forward here...
Couple of questions...
I notice you seem to have attached the metal plates for coupling the heatsinks...? (Many thanks.
If so, do I still need the heatsink compound to fix between the plates and heatsinks?
If so, is this it, and is that quantity enough or do I need more?
Above all, thanks Again Mr. Wonfor.