Listening to ...



  • Forgotten how good his early stuff is.
  • Jeff Buckley - Grace. Hearing lots and lots of lovely little details I never knew were there. Ace!
  • Jeff Buckley - Grace. Hearing lots and lots of lovely little details I never knew were there. Ace!
    And why are you hearing the details?
  • Jeff Buckley - Grace. Hearing lots and lots of lovely little details I never knew were there. Ace!
    And why are you hearing the details?
    Because the rest of it is so cringe worthy,
  • Jeff Buckley - Grace. Hearing lots and lots of lovely little details I never knew were there. Ace!
    And why are you hearing the details?
    Because the rest of it is so cringe worthy,
    Ben's been at the wine again :-D
  • Am I that transparent...?image
  • About as transparent as a bottle of vintage port :-)
  • Does anyone have anything for gout?
    Are RR3s good for that too...?
  • You know, I haven't tried that. 
  • The Archers
  • Spin Doctors - Pocketful of Kryptonite
  • The Archers
    Cutting edge underground sounds...
  • The Archers
    Cutting edge underground sounds...
    What else would you expect from me? ;-)
  • Jeff Buckley - Grace. Hearing lots and lots of lovely little details I never knew were there. Ace!
    And why are you hearing the details?
    More on that later.

    Ben - I shall ignore your remark! Grace is pretty good IMO, and was requested by my good lady wife, whose interest in music / hifi vacillates between apathetic and bored witless!
  • Jeff Buckley - Grace. Hearing lots and lots of lovely little details I never knew were there. Ace!
    And why are you hearing the details?
    More on that later.
    I think I may know ;-)
  • Charlie Hunter - Bamboo Strength

    Slipping back a little jazzwards. Can't have that rock stuff for too long :-)
  • You know nothing!!  :-\"
  • I think I do ;-)
  • Sheila Chandra - ABoneCroneDrone

    I really like this. Multi-tracked, droney, vocally, electronica-ey goodness. I just draws me in.
  • Tortoise - Standards

    Too bloody compressed for full enjoyment :-(
  • Toumani Diabate - The Mande Variations
  • Power Tools - Strange Meeting
  • Texier/Sclavis/Romano - African Flashback

    A very different take on European jazz from the Scandinavian/ECM school, but every bit as good. Texier is a blinding bassist.
  • Jeff Buckley - Grace. Hearing lots and lots of lovely little details I never knew were there. Ace!
    And why are you hearing the details?
    More on that later.

    Ben - I shall ignore your remark! Grace is pretty good IMO, and was requested by my good lady wife, whose interest in music / hifi vacillates between apathetic and bored witless!
    Wriggle wriggle...

    Tbh I have a Buckley album too. Wouldn't admit to it in public mind. :-)
  • Nik Baertsch's Ronin - Holon

    Just for Ben - this was the one that started the rot for me.
  • Holly Cole "Don´t smoke in bed"
  • Andrew Hill - Timelines
  • Bill Laswell - Hear No Evil
  • Pat Metheny & Charlie Haden - Beyond the Missouri Sky (Short Stories)
  • T. Rex Electric Warrior 
  • The Jazz night was music by King Oliver.
  • Danny Thompson - Whatever
  • Horace Tapscott - The Dark Tree

    If you like free jazz, you just have to have this. Tapscott is a largely ignored, yet monster pianist. The quartet on this live date from LA is burning - John Carter on clarinet, Cecil McBee on bass and Andrew Cyrille on drums.

    I don't think it's too difficult an album, but it is pretty outside the East Coast/Chicago mainstream of this kind of music.

    Oh, and it's a pretty decent recording, too.
  • Stefano Bollani - Piano Solo

    I still can't get to grips with Bollani. A lot of people rate him, but he seems nothing special to my ears.
  • Jack White - Blunderbuss

    Nice album, compressed to buggery.
  • Jack White - Blunderbuss

    Nice album, compressed to buggery.
    Shame about the compression, that one was on my list.
  • Black Sabbath -Paranoid

    -My vinyl from the day it came out, been with me ever since...Sounded better then I remember, but you must play it loud,,,,interesting & fun !!
  • Jack White - Blunderbuss

    Nice album, compressed to buggery.
    Shame about the compression, that one was on my list.
    Comes with the territory, dunnit?
  • XX - Coexist.
  • Can't make my mind up about XX.
  • Joy Division - Substance

    Have to play it from time to time.
  • I like XX, well their first album anyway. I have heard the second is just more of the same - is that so?
  • Avram Fefer – Eliyahu

    If you have a Spotify account and like jazz, give this a go (that's a Spotify link above). It's one of those albums I keep on coming back to.
  • ABBA...No, I´m joking..:-)
  • I like XX, well their first album anyway. I have heard the second is just more of the same - is that so?
    Pretty much.
  • Beth Orton - Sugaring Season.  Me likey so far.  First time I've listened to any Beth Orton.
  • Lee Morgan - The Sidewinder

    Oooh... Dingwalls! :-)
  • I am Kloot - Natural History.
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