Listening to ...



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    Some quite startling passages, a real journey. Beautifully recorded.

    It's been a while - I'm just in the mood for this now.
  • Ooh. I don't know either of those.
  • Day off today, Mr B?

    How's your wrist?
  • Forced day off really - it moves better but hurts more. Probably overdid it yesterday, will try again on Monday.(!)

    Not all bad though - I took the EVA out again! :))

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    :) This should be a Royd demo album - what fun! :))
  • Forced day off really - it moves better but hurts more. Probably overdid it yesterday, will try again on Monday.(!)

    Not all bad though - I took the EVA out again! :))

    Memphis Blood - Nice! :-)
  • edited October 2011
    That into on 'I just want to make love to you' is one of the best ever....;)

    Gone back to the Delta:


    What an absolutely seminal album - astonishingly 'real' sound. I wonder if any other vintage (or many modern) recordings are this good?
  • I don't know that either.
  • edited October 2011
    That into on 'I just want to make love to you' is one of the best ever....;)

    Gone back to the Delta:


    What an absolutely seminal album - astonishingly 'real' sound. I wonder if any other vintage (or many modern) recordings are this good?
    killer choonz Alan, i only have a shabby reissue of it and even thats pretty damn fine, some of john lee hookers late sixties early seventies stuff has that very live feel too , would love to know how the recordings were mic'ed up and how the performance was captured ,
    on the real sounding recordings front, my mate picked up a copy of Dave Brubeck's time out , cost 20p , its an original American first pressing , if you can find a well digitized version of that check out Take Five from it, it was real eye opener for me , startlingly real with the volume cranked , the drum solo is breath taking , its as if the drummer is sat right where the left speaker is and his kit is arranged around him (the speaker) in perfect 1;1 scale, the kick drum has such presence and weight ,snares and toms  have real snap and cymbal and hat are hung perfectly above, the separation between the performers is utterly credible and correct ,  makes my reissue sound like a CD being played through an early nineties marantz midi cd player ,
    perhaps a sub catagory on 'most real sounding recordings' might be appropriate .

  • Quite so Matt - I would love to see how that was recorded. Take 5 iss great too - I must check what issue I have.

    Spinning this now, in 24/192. Quite simply breathtaking - I love the music, but it also has to be the finest recording I ever heard.

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    :) This should be a Royd demo album - what fun! :))
    Wonderful stuff.

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    James Taylor's son. Much more contemporary, still good, more quality pop that folk.
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    Triptych Myth - The Beautiful.

    Warning to Col - it's a piano trio.
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    You haven't got a copy? Go out and buy one immediately! :-)
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    Henri Texier - Alerte a l'eau

    Another of the French bassist's albums snagged off fleaBay. I particularly like this band.
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    Stefon Harris, Jason Moran, Greg Osby & Mark Shim - New Directions.

    Unfortunately, the music is as unchallenging as the title is uninspired. I was hoping for better things with the Bandwagon's soon-to-be rhythm section, Moran and Osby, but it's not to be.
  • OK. Enough of that!

    Let's have the real stuff. Moran and the Bandwagon at the Village Vanguard:

  • After all that Jason Moran this morning, guess what arrived lunchtime?:


  • Ben Harper & the Innocent Criminals - Burn To Shine. Very seriously underrated album, impossibly eclectic for an alt rock album, and beautifully mastered.

  • Just played it in Spotti. Surprisingly, perhaps, I liked it! :-)
  • Drat! I thought it was good....
    :p %-(
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    My goodness me, why haven't I played this for so long?!

    It has always been a 'hard work' listen in my view, but - like 'Gold' - eminently worthy musically, lyrically and also in terms of production values.

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    Ibrahim's experiments with electronics and overdubbing saxophone. A surprisingly satisfying listen, although he hasn't been this way again.
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    Not an essential cd, by any means, but I like it. Some nice recording as well.
  • tom waits , bad as me preview ,
    • gab-5lot0
    • 6vb-9v8q9
    • iub-tr4lb
    • o5b-0gftu
    • mub-1ngwy
    first come first served, go to and insert one of the codes to get a listen prior to release ,

  • Brilliant. Listening now, Matt.

    Thanks for that!
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    BB&C (Tim Berne, Jim Black & Nels Cline) - The Veil.

    Avant garde, post-rock, noise, free jazz, call-it-what-you-will, this album is a scorcher. With more space in it than some of the reviews I've read have suggested. It's not just pedal to the metal (pun half-intended) ear drum removal stuff.
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    Bushman's Revenge - You Lost Me at Hello

    More in the noisy rock mould, although to my ears it has more to do with 60s/70s power trios than post-punk out-and-out noise.
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    Jason Moran - Facing Left.

    Can this man do no wrong? Another great album from Moran and the Bandwagon.
  • edited October 2011

    If ever there was a strangely named album, this is it. It's one of John Zorn's tuneful, accessible efforts.
  • GNU Quartet - anything I can find on spotify & Grooveshark, after hearing them on French internet radio.

    Cello, Flute, Bass & light percussion, quite fun.
  • edited October 2011

    John Zorn's Electric Masada - At The Mountains of Madness

    Has its roots in Zorn's Naked City band, but plays works from the Masada Songbook. Fantastic guitar from Marc Ribot (he of Tom Waits fame) as usual.
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    Great Saturday evening music. Must buy some more Ranglin.
  • Great stiff, Dave.  Chez moi:


    Ryan Adams - Gold. He was ace on BBC4 songwriters circle last night.
  • I must explore him. I don't know is work at all.
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    I heard this the first time in the early 80s, courtesy of Birmingham Central Library, when I was a student. I don't say it hasn't aged, but it does sound as good 30 years later as it did then. 
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    I love Mayfield's voice. This is a good late gig.
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    Derek Bailey - Ballads
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    The latest from the great man. On the first listening, it's not one of his strongest. Anyone else listened to it?
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    Matana Roberts - Coin Coin Chapter 1: Les Gens Couleur Libres.

    This is every bit as good as I'd hoped it would be. It's also available as a FLAC download. What more could you want?

  • Pulp "different class".
    God bless you mr. Cocker.
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    Very tasty.
    I have that on vinyl.
  • Have you ever seen James Brown or Maceo Parker? 

    I've seen both, and I must say I enjoyed the Maceo gig more. Turbo funk, it was!  :D
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